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How to Get the Amazon Best Seller Badge: The Ultimate Guide

If you're an Amazon seller, then you know that getting the Amazon best seller badge is a huge accomplishment.


Source: Amazon


It means that your products are being seen as some of the best on Amazon.

(and it can help boost your sales tremendously.)

In this guide, we will take a look at the steps you need to take to get the Amazon best seller badge. We'll also give you some valuable tips to make sure you achieve this coveted distinction in no time!

What Is the Amazon Best Seller Badge?

The Amazon best seller badge is a special symbol that appears on the product listing page of eligible items.


It means that the product was one of the most frequently purchased items within its category over a certain period of time. 

The badge provides an extra level of credibility and recognition.

Why Is It Important to Have the Amazon Best Seller Badge?

The Amazon best seller badge is a sign of quality that helps shoppers make great decisions. It means that the product has been tested and liked by many customers, so it's likely to be a good choice for them as well.

Additionally, having the badge gives you other benefits, such as:

  • Increased visibility
  • More trust from customers
  • Higher conversion rates
  • Improved rankings in search results

Essentially, it provides you with an edge over the competition.

How to Get the Amazon Best Seller Badge

There are several steps that you need to take in order to get the Amazon best seller badge for your products. 

Here's a breakdown of what they are.

Optimize Your Product Listings

You want your product listings to be as attractive and informative as possible.

Make sure that you include high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and accurate pricing information all the time.


Source: SellerPlex


Also, consider optimizing your listings for keywords related to your product.

(so that it can be easily found by potential customers.)

Here are some additional tips to follow.

  • Make your product titles concise and descriptive.
  • Include reviews from verified customers.
  • Upload high-quality images from different angles

Additionally, you can learn more about some of the ways to optimize your listings in our best guide.

Get Reviews

Getting reviews from satisfied customers is a must if you want to get the Amazon best seller badge. These reviews provide social proof that your product is of high quality, which can help build trust with potential buyers.

Source: Duncan Jones


Also, make sure you respond to customer feedback promptly and politely.

This will show them that their opinion is valued and help to create a better overall shopping experience. 

You can try some of the following strategies to get more reviews too:

  • Run giveaways or promotions
  • Offer discounts in exchange for reviews
  • Reach out directly to customers who have purchased your products

Reviews are a must for getting the Amazon best seller badge.

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Use Targeted Keywords

Using relevant keywords in your product listings can help to increase visibility, attract more shoppers, and ultimately lead to more sales.

Be sure you use the right words in titles, descriptions, and other sections of the listing.

You should also try to target long-tail keywords since they tend to be less competitive and can help you rank higher in search results. 

Source: Backlinko


Research the competition and use keyword research tools to find the best keywords for your product.

Use Amazon's Advertising Programs

Amazon's advertising programs can help you to increase your product visibility.

These tools allow you to target potential customers more effectively and get the sales that you need in order to qualify for the Amazon best seller badge.


Source: WebFx


Take some time to learn more about these and see if they're a good fit for you.

Tips for Maximizing Your Chances of Getting to the Amazon Best Seller Badge

Getting to the Amazon best seller badge isn't easy, but it's definitely possible. Here are some tips that you should keep in mind.

Regularly update your product listings.

Make sure that all of your product pages are up-to-date with accurate information.

This will help to ensure that potential customers have the most current and relevant information about your products.

It will also show Amazon that you are active on the platform and take it seriously.

Offer discounts and promotions to increase sales.

Discounts and promotions can attract customers and increase sales.

They can be a great idea to boost your ranking and get the sales needed to qualify for the Amazon best seller badge.



Just don't offer discounts too often as it can have a negative impact on your profits.

Analyze customer feedback and make changes accordingly.

Check reviews to see what customers think of your product and make changes if necessary.


(like the one above, you can double-check you put the charger into a bag.)

This will help you to improve the overall quality of your product and get it ready for the Amazon best seller badge.

Also, monitor feedback regularly so that you can address any issues quickly.


Getting to the Amazon best seller badge is a great way to boost sales and increase visibility. By following the tips outlined above, you will have a better chance of achieving this goal.

Remember that success doesn’t happen overnight; it takes patience, hard work, and consistent effort for your products to be recognized on Amazon.

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Anthony Ortega
Hello I'm Anthony and I head up our Customer Experience (CX) team. When not CX'ing, I love cooking on wood fires, smashing tennis balls and all fun outdoor activities.

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