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Amazon Sponsored Products: Beginners Guide

Amazon Sponsored Products can be a great way to increase your sales on Amazon.

In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about setting up and making sales with Amazon Sponsored Products.

Source: Amazon


We'll discuss what it is, how it works, and the different ways you can use it to increase your revenues. Plus, we'll give you some tips for improving your results with Amazon Sponsored Products too.

Let's get to it!

What Is Amazon Sponsored Products?

Amazon Sponsored Products is an advertising program run on Amazon.

It allows you to promote products through targeted ads that appear on the Amazon search results pages and product detail pages.


Source: Podean


These ads are designed to drive more sales and increase visibility for your products on Amazon. They typically appear alongside organic search results, so they can be a great way to get your products in front of potential customers.

How Does Amazon Sponsored Products Work?

Amazon Sponsored Products works by targeting your ads to specific keywords or products. You can select the keywords or products you want to target, as well as set a budget for how much you want to spend on each keyword or product.

The ad will show to shoppers searching for keywords or looking at the products you've chosen.



You'll be charged every time someone clicks on your ad, and you can control how much you're spending by adjusting your budget.

Why Should You Go With Amazon Sponsored Products?

Using Amazon Sponsored Products is a great way to get more sales from your products. But there are many other powerful benefits than that.

And you're about to discover all of these benefits right now:

  • Higher visibility for your products on Amazon, which will help you make more sales
  • Target shoppers who are already interested in products like yours.
  • Test new products or keywords for campaigns to see which ones are performing best

All in all, you're going to make tons of sales.

Plus, it's easy to set up and manage, so even beginners can start using it and see results.

How to Set Up Amazon Sponsored Products

Setting up Amazon Sponsored Products is pretty simple.

But it can get confusing if you don't know what you're doing. For that reason, we'll be breaking down the whole process into simple steps everyone can follow.

Here we go.

Set Up Your Amazon Sponsored Products Account

The first step to setting up Amazon Sponsored Products is to create an account.

To do this, you'll need to log into your Amazon seller or vendor account and click on the "Advertising" tab.



From there, you'll be able to set up a new campaign and enter all of your payment information. You can also view any existing campaigns you have running.

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Choose Your Campaign Type

Next, you'll need to choose the type of campaign you want to run.

Amazon offers three different types of campaigns:

  1. Keyword-targeted campaigns
  2. Product targeting campaigns
  3. Category targeting campaigns.

For each one, you'll be able to set a specific budget and bid on the keywords or products you want to target.

Set Your Campaign Budget

Once you've chosen your campaign type, it's time to set your budget.


Your budget will determine how much you're willing to spend on each keyword or product you're targeting.

Add Your Products or Keywords

Now, it's time to add the products or keywords you want to target with your ads.

If you're running a keyword-targeted campaign, you can add up to 500 keywords at once. If you're running a product targeting campaign, you can target up to 10 products.

For category targeting campaigns, you can target up to 5 different categories.



You'll also be able to adjust the bid amount you're willing to pay for each click.

Choose Your Targeting

You can target your ads by geographic location, device type, and more. This will ensure that your ads are being seen by the right people in the right places.

(which is one of the key factors in driving sales.)


Once you're done with this, you'll be able to launch your campaign and start making sales!

Launch Your Campaign

Finally; it's time to launch your campaign and start making sales!

You can set up automated rules so that your ads will continue running even if you're not actively checking them.

That way, you won't have to worry about manually adjusting your budget or bids each day.

Monitor Your Results

The last step is to monitor your results and make adjustments as necessary.

Amazon provides detailed reporting for each of your campaigns, so you can track how many impressions and clicks you're getting, as well as the cost per click.


Source: Amazon


It's important to look at these reports regularly and adjust your budget or targeting as necessary to ensure you're getting the most out of your campaigns.

Ready to Start Your First Amazon Sponsored Products Campaign?

In this guide, you've learned about the uses and benefits of Amazon Sponsored Products, as well as how to set up and manage your campaigns.

Now it's time to put all of this knowledge into action!

Start by setting up your account, choosing your campaign type, setting a budget, adding products or keywords, and targeting the right people for your ads.

Sign up for our 14-day free trial and start making sales today.

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Anthony Ortega
Hello I'm Anthony and I head up our Customer Experience (CX) team. When not CX'ing, I love cooking on wood fires, smashing tennis balls and all fun outdoor activities.

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