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8 Ways to Optimize Your Product Listings on Amazon for Better Visibility & Higher Sales

One of the most critical aspects of selling products on Amazon is making sure your product listings are as visible as possible. With over 340 million active customer accounts, 

Amazon is a competitive marketplace where sellers must take every step to optimize their listings.

In this blog post, we'll discuss eight ways you can improve your product listings on Amazon.

(and increase your chances of being found by customers.)

BEST Ways to Optimize Your Product Listings on Amazon

Making your product listing perfect on Amazon is a MUST.

It's the only way to increase your chances of being successful, having long-term profitability, and attracting more customers.

Here are some of the best tips to get you started:

Tip #1: Use Killer titles

Your product title is the first thing that customers will see when they search for a product on Amazon, so make sure it accurately describes what you’re selling.

Include as many relevant keywords as possible in your titles to increase your chances of being found by potential customers.

Source: Ahrefs

Also, it's important to make it catchy and benefit-driven.


Source: WordStream

Customers want to know what they’re getting when they buy your product, so include words that are descriptive of the features and benefits of what you're offering. However, this does not mean your titles should be click bait, delusional, or contain false promises.

Amazon can take action against sellers who do this.

Tip #2: Create Thorough, Keyword-Rich Descriptions

Your product descriptions should give customers a clear and detailed overview of your offerings. Include as many keywords as possible relevant to the product you’re selling to help customers find it more easily.


Source: Olifant Digital

These descriptions should be detailed and accurate while still being interesting to read. By doing this, you'll help customers decide if your product is right for them.

Tip #3: Optimize Product Images

When it comes to product images, quality is key. The better the image quality, the more likely customers are to click through and purchase.

Source: Twitter

It's also important to make sure all of your images meet Amazon's requirements, including minimum size (1000px) and file type/format (.jpg or .tif). Additionally, you should use keyword-rich titles for each image to make them easier to find in customer searches.

Source: EcomEngine

Also, try to take pictures of your products from different angles.

That way, your customers will know exactly what they're getting, and you won't be called out for false advertising or receive negative reviews.

Tip #4: Use A+ Content

A+ content is also known as Enhanced Brand Content (EBC).

This is an optional feature that allows sellers to add additional, more detailed information about their products. This can include images, videos, and text that help customers make a more informed decision about whether to purchase your product.

You can see an example of that below.


Source: Remazing

Using A+ content can help increase the visibility of your listings and boost conversions.

Tip #5: Utilize Amazon Ads

Amazon Ads are a great way to get your products in front of more customers.

You can create sponsored ads for relevant keywords, so when customers search for that keyword, your product shows up first. These ads can be a great way to increase visibility and improve sales.


Source: Socialb

But you must make sure you stay on top of the costs associated with running these campaigns.

(or else you may end up spending more money than you are making.)

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Tip #6: Leverage Amazon Reviews

Amazon reviews are a powerful tool that can help boost the visibility of your products.

By getting positive reviews, you can increase the trustworthiness of your listings and make them more attractive to customers.

(and this can lead to a massive success and sales increase.)


Source: Oberlo

Encourage customers to leave reviews but, more importantly, create top-notch products that deserve to be reviewed.

Tip #7: Track Your Performance

The best way to make sure your Amazon product listings are optimized for visibility is to track and analyze them on a regular basis. By doing this, you can identify what works, what needs to be changed, and how effective your campaigns are.

You can find all of this information inside your Amazon seller dashboard.


This will help you refine your strategies and ensure that your product listings are as visible and successful as possible.

Tip #8: Stay on top of Amazon’s Terms and Policies

Finally, it's important to stay up-to-date with all of Amazon's terms and policies.

These can change from time to time, so ensure you are familiar with the latest rules and regulations and always adhere to them.

Also, some products are not allowed to be sold.

You can create the best product in the world; however, if you are not allowed to sell it, you only waste a bunch of resources.


Source: Lab916

Be careful of that.

You can check for all the resources, news, and updates on the official Amazon blog.


By following these tips, you can ensure your product listings are optimized for visibility and success on Amazon. These tips will also help you make more sales and improve customer engagement and brand recognition.

Which is one of the most important things when it comes to long-term success on Amazon.

Apply these tips to your Amazon listings and win more customers today. Sign up for a free 14-day trial, and let's crush it together right now.

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Anthony Ortega
Hello I'm Anthony and I head up our Customer Experience (CX) team. When not CX'ing, I love cooking on wood fires, smashing tennis balls and all fun outdoor activities.

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