· 8 min read

16 BEST Ways to Increase Sales on Amazon in 2023

Amazon is growing at a rapid pace.

The number of sellers trying to make a sale has grown by almost half in the last few years, and the competition is higher than ever before.

Source: Digital Solutions


If you want to win in this sea of competition, you need to start optimizing your listing now.

In this post, you’ll learn exactly how to increase sales on Amazon. All of these strategies are backed up by science and work like crazy.

Let’s get to it!

#1: Get More Reviews

Reviews are critical for Amazon sellers. Buyers look for reviews and ratings when making a purchase decision.

And they trust reviews like crazy...

Source: Wyzowl

So you should try to get as many great reviews as possible.

You can do this by reaching out to existing customers and offering them a discount or a coupon in exchange for an honest review.

Another way to get more reviews is to use Amazon’s Vine program.


Source: Amz Finder


This program allows you to send free samples of your product to reviewers in exchange for reviews. It's super-effective, but of course, not all products are suitable for it.

In addition, be sure your products are well-made and solve the customer’s problem.

That way, customers will be more likely to leave great reviews.

#2: Get Help From Influencers

Influencers are a super-hot way to get more sales right now.

This is mostly because of the crazy return-on-investment an influencer marketing brings. Data shows that businesses are making $5.20 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing.


Source: Smart Insights


Connect with influencers in your niche and offer them a free sample of your product for review.

In exchange, they may post a review on their social media accounts or Youtube channel, which will drive more people to check out your product.


Source: Easy Promos Blog


Also, look out for influencers doing giveaways on their page - you can participate in those by offering a sample of your product. Just make sure to do your research and find influencers who match the demographic of your target audience.

This way, you’ll get more targeted leads which will ultimately turn into sales.

#3: Leverage PPC Ads

PPC ads are great for driving more traffic to your listing.

You can use platforms like Google Ads or Amazon's PPC platform to drive people to your product page.


Source: Wheelhouse DMG


The great thing about PPC ads is that you only pay when someone clicks on them which means you don’t have any money wasted by showing ads to the wrong people. And they have a much higher conversion rate.

The average Amazon PPC conversion rate is 9.71%.


Source: Renolon

Just imagine increasing your sales by 10% overnight. With PPC ads, that's possible.

#4: Retargeting

Retargeting is a form of ad that shows up to people who have visited your product page before but didn’t buy the product. 

You can use retargeting ads to remind them about the product, offer discounts or free shipping, and ultimately convert them.


Source: Tkmkt


You can use platforms like Google Ads and Amazon's PPC platform to retarget people. 

The key here is to be sure you’re offering something extra in the retargeting ad that they didn't get the first time they visited your product page.


Source: Facebook


It can be a discount, free shipping, or something else that will entice them to come back and purchase the product.

Retargeting reduces cart abandonment rate by 6.5% and can increase online sales by 20%.

It's a very effective strategy to boost sales on Amazon.

#5: Provide Excellent Customer Service

Customer service is one of the most important things to get right.

In fact, 93% of customers are likely to make repeat purchases with companies that offer excellent customer service.

Customers expect to be treated well and with respect, as they are the lifeblood of your business. Respond quickly to customer inquiries and complaints - this will show them that you care about their experience with your brand.



Make sure to offer a money-back guarantee or an exchange policy - this will make customers feel more secure about buying from you.


Source: Invespcro


Also, consider taking part in Amazon’s A-Z Guarantee program, which helps buyers get their money back if there are any issues with the product.

Either way, excellent customer service is a must-have if you want to grow your business and increase sales on Amazon.

#6: Optimize Title

80% of your visitors will read a headline, but only 20% of them will read the rest.


Source: Warrior Forum


If you want to capture customers' attention, your title needs to be catchy and spot-on.

Make sure to include all relevant keywords that you want to rank for, but also make it sound appealing. You can include the main benefits, use power words or adjectives and make your headline stand out.



Also, make sure that the title is not too long (like the example above.)

You don’t want to bore customers with a long headline, and more importantly, it will get cut off, especially on mobile. 

Keep it short and sweet but informative.

#7: Write Killer Product Description

If customers get through your headline, you did a great job.

Now it's time to make sure they don't leave immediately. The way you write your product description matters - if it's boring, they will leave.

Also, be very careful about grammar errors and misspellings.



Charles Duncombe says an analysis of website figures shows a single spelling mistake can cut online sales in half.

Always double-check your grammar and spelling.

Also, be creative and include all relevant information that the customer needs to know. Include pros and cons, features, technical specs and if possible, include images or videos that showcase your product. 

#8: Keyword Research

94.74% of keywords get 10 monthly searches or fewer.

If you want to increase your sales, keyword research is a must. Using the right keywords will help your listing appear higher in search results, which increases the chances of customers finding your product.



You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Amazon's Keyword Tool to find relevant and profitable keywords that you can target. Once you identify the right keywords, include them in your title, description, and product page.

The key here is to find the right balance between the search volume and difficulty.

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#9: Better Images

Low-quality images are an instant deal-breaker for customers.

If your images are blurry, pixelated, or too dark, customers will think the same about your product and won't buy it. Make sure to use high-quality images that accurately depict what you’re selling.

Also, be sure to have multiple photos of the same product from different angles so that customers can get a full view of what they're buying.



In addition to that, unclear images can lead to negative reviews when the product that arrives is different from what a customer was expecting.

And more than four negative reviews increase your lost customers to 70%.


Be very careful about that.

#10: Nail the Pricing

60% of customers consider pricing as a very first criteria on their buying decision. So make sure to price your products properly. 



If you want to attract more customers, consider discounting your products for a limited time. 

You can also use dynamic pricing tools to adjust the prices automatically.



Basically, it will increase or decrease your prices based on demand. 

Also, make sure to monitor your sales regularly and adjust the prices if needed. This will help you stay competitive in the market and increase overall sales.

#11: Win the Buy Box

Over 83% of sales on Amazon were because of the Buy Box.

Buy Box is basically a feature that helps customers to add the product to their cart quickly. If your products are eligible for Buy Box, you will receive more exposure, and their sales will increase significantly.



So make sure that you optimize your listing according to Amazon's guidelines and try to be first in the search results with relevant keywords.

You should also focus on customer experience. Customer satisfaction is one of the major factors that Amazon considers to decide who will get the position in the Buy Box.

So focus on providing great customer service and prompt shipping services.

#12: Use Fulfilled By Amazon

FBA allows sellers to achieve a 30-50% increase in sales.

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is an order fulfillment service that allows you to store and ship your products from Amazon's warehouses.


Source: RepricerExpress


Amazon will take care of customer service, returns, and refunds for you, which saves time and money. This will help you focus more on marketing activities that can help you promote your product and boost your sales.

Also, using FBA will give you access to the Prime shipping option, which can increase your sales significantly as customers prefer to buy products with Prime shipping.


Source: Amazon


But of course, it has its disadvantages, such as the extra costs and fees involved.

#13: Sync Your Inventory

Syncing your inventory will save you lots of time and money.

It's important to know how much stock you have so that you don't oversell or run out of stock. If your product goes out of stock, customers won’t be able to purchase it, and it can result in lost sales and bad reviews.



Just a simple delay can lead to a massive loss of repeat purchases. 

In fact, 69% of consumers “are much less or less likely to shop with a retailer in the future if an item they purchased is not delivered within two days.

So have a syncing inventory system for tracking your stock and automating order fulfillment.


Source: Api2Cart


This will help you reduce errors in shipping and improve customer satisfaction which can boost sales significantly.

#14: Spy on Your Competitors

Spying on competitors can help you gain insights into their strategies, products, and pricing. This will help you identify market gaps and create a better position for yourself.

No wonder the 500 most profitable businesses all use competitor analysis.



You can use tools such as Jungle Scout or AMZ Scout to gain competitive intelligence. Or can also analyze competitors’ product listings, customer reviews, and pricing on your own.

Either way, this is one of the best ways to gain growth and crush competitors.

#15: A/B Test

You can never know whether a strategy will work or not. You can only guess.

So the best way to determine if a strategy will work or not is to test it first. A/B testing can help you identify what works and what doesn’t by comparing different versions of your product listing, pricing, etc.


Source: Optimizely


You can split your audience into two groups and test different variants on each group. Then measure the results, and you’ll know which one works best for your business.

A/B testing is a great way to make data-driven decisions that can increase sales significantly.

So make sure to use it whenever you have a chance.

#16: Build an Email List

You might be surprised that this strategy is on today's list.

However, building an email list can help you increase your sales significantly. Because it’s one of the best ways to nurture and convert leads in a cost-effective way.

In fact, email marketing has the higher ROI of all marketing channels.


Source: K6 Agency


You can ask customers to subscribe while they are making a purchase or even use incentives such as discounts or freebies to increase subscribers.

Once you have a list, you can send emails to leads about product updates, offers, and more.



You can also use email marketing for remarketing and retargeting campaigns. This will increase sales significantly as people are more likely to purchase if they are reminded to do so.

So don’t forget to build an email list to increase sales on Amazon.


Amazon is one of the biggest e-commerce platforms, and it can be difficult to increase sales on such a competitive platform

But with the right tips, strategies, and tactics, you can easily boost your sales.

You need to optimize product listing, use effective keywords, focus on customer experience, build an email list, and so much more. By following the tips above, you can not only increase sales on Amazon but also create an amazing customer experience.

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Anthony Ortega
Hello I'm Anthony and I head up our Customer Experience (CX) team. When not CX'ing, I love cooking on wood fires, smashing tennis balls and all fun outdoor activities.

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